In order to provide you with the best service possible, I will ask for some personal information from you. This will be done in a legal and transparent manner, which means that I: Clearly state what information I would like to receive from you in order to do my job; Only collect information that I need to serve you; Maintain a retention period and do not keep the information longer than necessary.
You are not obligated to provide me with your personal information at any time. Therefore, I will always try to only ask for the minimum amount of personal information from you. If you refuse to provide this information, it may mean that I am unable to provide you with a service or product.
I do not use profiling techniques or other forms of automated decision-making.
The Bright Side Story (Sanne) is responsible for data processing. If you have any comments or concerns about this privacy policy, you can reach me at the following email address: E-mail address: Thebrightsidestory@outlook.com
I may process the following information from you:
– NAW information (name, address, place of residence)
– Business information
– Invoice address and invoice number
– Payment information
– Email address
– Telephone number
– Social media information
Personal information that you actively provide through communication with me.